emperor led the way, on foot, and in complete armor;

sounding, with his long staff, the depth of the ice, or snow, and

encouraging the Scythians, who complained of the extreme cold, by

the cheerful assurance, that they should be satisfied with the

heat of Africa. The citizens of Lyons had presumed to shut their

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gates; they soon implored, and experienced, the clemency of

Majorian. He vanquished Theodoric in the field; and admitted to

his friendship and alliance a king whom he had found not unworthy

of his arms. The beneficial, though precarious, reunion of the

greater part of Gaul and Spain, was the effect of persuasion, as

well as of force; ^47 and the independent Bagaudae, who had

escaped, or resisted, the oppression, of former reigns, were

disposed to confide in the virtues of Majorian. His camp was

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filled with Barbarian allies; his throne was supported by the

zeal of an affectionate people; but the emperor had foreseen,

that it was impossible, without a maritime power, to achieve the

conquest of Africa. In the first Punic war, the republic had

exerted such incredible diligence, that, within sixty days after

the first stroke of the axe had been given in the forest, a fleet

of one hundred and sixty galleys proudly rode at anchor in the

sea. ^48 Under circumstances much less favorable, Majorian

equalled the spirit and perseverance of the ancient Romans. The

woods of the Apennine were felled; the arsenals and manufactures

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of Ravenna and Misenum were restored; Italy and Gaul vied with

each other in liberal contributions to the public service; and

the Imperial navy of three hundred large galleys, with an

adequate proportion of transports and smaller vessels, was

collected in the secure and capacious harbor of Carthagena in

Spain. ^49 The intrepid countenance of Majorian animated his

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